1. Title Exhibition of"The Role of Japan Chemical Industry Association(JCIA)"at IYC2011 Commemorative Symposium
2. IYC interests @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Display the panels of JCIA for the presentation of the history of Japanese Chemiocal Industries and the role of JCIA for the public at IYC2011 Sympo.
4. Audience professional chemists, graduate students, universities, professors, women chemists, educational institutions, research scientists,
5. Topic conferences,celebrating chemistry, industrial trade fair,
6. Long description Display the panels of JCIA for the presentation of the history of Japanese Chemiocal Industries and the role of JCIA for the public at IYC2011 Sympo.
Venue:National Center of Sciences (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
Date :Oct. 27-28, 2011
7. Sponsors The Chemical Daily Co.,LTD

8. Contact detail

Name:Mr Katsuya Takahashi
Organization or affiliations:Japan Chemical Industry Association
Phone :+81-3-3297-2555