1. Title IYC Commemorative Symposium
2. IYC interests @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description The symposium regarding advance materials discovered in Japan will be held to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry on November 26, 2011.
4. Audience Secondary and tertiary School Students, General Public
5. Topic seminars
6. Long description The symposium regarding advance materials discovered in Japan will be held to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry at Keio University on November 26, 2011. The lectures will be delivered by Prof. Teruo Okano (Tokyo Wemenfs Medical University), Prof. Yasuhiro Koike (Keio University), Prof. Hiroshi Segawa (The University of Tokyo) and Masahiro Henmi (Toray Industries, Inc.).
7. Sponsors The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

8. Contact detail

Name:Mr. Masahiro Niwano
Organization or affiliations:The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Phone :+81-3-5540-3776