1. Title The 16Th JPI-JS(Junior Society) Poster Session
2. IYC interests ○ @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
● AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
● BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
○ CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description The JPIJS Poster Session aims at spreading the knowledge on fundamentals and applications of petroleum chemistry, and at promoting discussion among young research scientists and industrial chemists.
4. Audience professional chemists, students, educators, industrial chemists, general public, post graduate students, decision makers, universities, professors, women chemists, research scientists
5. Topic Conference
6. Long description The 16th JPIJS (The Japan Petroleum Institute Junior Society) Poster Session will be held on May 18 at Tower Hall Funabori, in Tokyo. The Poster session comprises 44 poster presentations (http://www.soc.nii.ac.jp/jpi/jp/gyouji/60s/20110518js.html). The purpose of the Poster Session is to bring together young research scientists and industrial chemists with the objective of exploring, reflecting and sharing ideas with regards to the knowledge on fundamentals and applications of petroleum chemistry.

7. Sponsors

8. Contact detail

Name:Koji Nishi
Organization or affiliations:The Japan Petroleum Institute
Phone :+81-46-841-3810