1. Title 26th Workshop on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors
2. IYC interests ● @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
● AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
○ BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
○ CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description It provides the opportunity to exchange the recent achievements on the fundamentals and applications of Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, including space radiations and hadron therapy. A lecture on Madam Curie will be also made for general publics.
4. Audience professional chemist, students, general public, post graduate students, university professors
5. Topic workshop
6. Long description 26th Workshop on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors
Date: 14th & 15th March 2011
Venue: Fukae-campus, Kobe University
URL: http://www.research.kobe-u.ac.jp/gmsc-iris/ssntd26/index.html
This series of workshops has been providing annual opportunities to exchange recent achievements on the fundamentals and applications of Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, in which the trajectory of energetic proton and heavy ions in some dielectric materials are visualized by chemical treatments. This is a passive radiation detector used in various branches of science and technology such as nuclear physics, cosmic rays, dosimetry in space, neutron dosimetry, radiation biology and so on. On the fundamental aspects, the formation process of tracks in solids has been an unsolved problem in a filed of radiation chemistry. The developments of new materials for SSNTD have been conducted under the help of polymeric chemistry. A memorial lecture on Madam Curie who was awarded the Novel prize for chemistry in 1910 will be also made for general publics.
7. Sponsors Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University; Division of Ionizing Radaition, The Japan Scosiety of Applied Physics

8. Contact detail

Name:Prof Dr. Tomoya Yamauchi
Organization or affiliations:Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University
Phone :+81-78-431-6307