1. Title Chemical Industry Technology Forum in the 76th annual meeting of SCEJ
2. IYC interests œ ‡@Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
› ‡AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
œ ‡BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
› ‡CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Itfs discussed in the forum what proposal SCEJ can does to the society about the global warming issue.
4. Audience Members of SCEJ and non-members. They are professors, graduates of universities and engineers of industries related to the chemistry and the chemical engineering. About 2,000 people.
5. Topic Forum, symposium
6. Long description The 76th annual meeting of SCEJ will be held at the Koganei Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(TUAT) from March 22, 2011 to 24th.
In this meeting, SCEJ does the forum concerning the global warming issue.
Main theme is gAim at Green-innovationh, and the practice of its theme will promotes the achievement of the Low Carbon Society and the natural symbiosis society.
The forum consists of keynotes and 13 sessions, and is done by oral presentation and panel discussion. 2,000 people related to the chemistry and the chemical engineering participate and positively discuss the main theme.
7. Sponsors The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan(SCEJ)
Co-sponsorsGJapan Union of Chemical Science and Technology(JUCST)
Co-sponsorsGGreen & Sustainable Chemistry Network, Japan(GSCN)

8. Contact detail

Name:Mr Yoshiharu Miyasaka
Organization or affiliations:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Phone :+81-3-3943-3527