1. Title Memorial Symposium of SFST on the International Chemistry Year 2011
2. IYC interests @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan has the memorial symposium on the International Chemistry Year jointly with the annual conference on June 8, 2011. We invite three speakers from Asia and Europe for understanding of fiber chemistry.
4. Audience post graduate students, universities, professors, tertiary education, under graduate and graduate students, chemists, research scientists, industrial researchers, citizen
5. Topic Conference
6. Long description The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan has the memorial symposium jointly with the annual conference of our society on June 8, 2011 for better understanding, enhancement of interest in fiber chemistry and technology, and increasing enthusiasm for a creative future. Fiber science has a long history and supports the modernization of our country. During this period, fiber science is always walking along with the chemistry. Our society invites three distinguished speakers from China, Japan and Europe to give a nice opportunity to verification of the role of chemistry in fiber science. Invited speakers and titles are as follows; Prof. Meifang Zhu "Structure design & functional construction of hybrid fiber materials", Prof. Seizo Miyata "Carbone and nitrogen compounds for platinum-free catalyst", and Prof. Vladan Koncar gResearch & education in France at GEMTEX/ENSAIT, and smart textiles and multifunctional fibers, overview - situation in Europeh. This symposium will give the fiber scientists deep understanding for fiber chemistry and some inspirations toward the creative future.
7. Sponsors The Society of Fiber Science and Technology

8. Contact detail

Name:Prof. Kunio Kimura
Organization or affiliations:Okayama University
Phone :+81-86-251-8902