1. Title gWelcome to Chemistryh Onsite Lecture Presentation at high school
2. IYC interests › ‡@Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
œ ‡AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
› ‡BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
› ‡CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Encourage interest of high school students in chemistry (ex. Challenge of total synthesis of natural product, functionalized
material in daily life, ect.)
4. Audience High school students, teachers
5. Topic Chemistry education, hands-on activities, science fair, etc.
6. Long description Target: High school students
Place: High school (onsite), hall and/or home class room
Schedule: from June 1, 2011 to December 22, 2011
Expenses: The Chemical Society of Japan will cover all cost including honorarium for lecturing and traffic expenses.
Lecturer: Professors and researchers belonging to CSJ
Content: Encourage interest of high-school students in chemistry
Title (past): gChallenge of Syntheses of Natural Productsh, gLight-sensitive Moleculesh, gBiotechnology break ground future electronicsh,gNanotechnologyh, gLife and Chemistryh, gLuminous Organic Compoundh , etc.
Lectures: Five 50-min lectures per a year
Website: http://kinki.chemistry.or.jp
7. Sponsors Kinki Branch, The Chemical Society of Japan

8. Contact detail

Name:Prof Naoto Chatani
Organization or affiliations:Kinki Branch, the Chemical Society of Japan
Phone :+81-6-6441-5531