1. Title One Day Chemical Experiment by High School Students at Chemistry Department of Josai Univ.
-Supported by the Kanto Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan
2. IYC interests ○ @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
● AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
○ BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
○ CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Both many interesting and curious experiments for demonstration and relatively simple and interesting experiments by high school students will be presented by our chemistry department staffs in Josai univ.
4. Audience High school students
5. Topic chemistry education through experiments
6. Long description Title of Activities:
One Day Chemical Experiment by High School Students at Chemistry Department of Josai Univ.
Schedule: 30th, July, 2011; from 10:00 am through 5:00 pm.
Venue & Place: Large raboratory in chemistry department, Josai univ.
Program: Experiments for demonstration;
1)Microwave discharge for H2, N2, and O2,
2) Repeating chemical reaction,
3) Fountain in a large flask with the change of color of water,
4) Lasting flame reaction with big evaporating dish.
Experimens experienced by high scool students;
1) Exothermic and endothermic solving of some salts such as anhydrous CaCl2, CaCl2・2H2O, NaCl,
2) Chemistry in carbon dioxide,
3) Examination of main component in various powders,
4) Drastic change of state of several materials and preparation of liquid O2 with liquid N2 and burning test with liquid O2 obtained.(If there is time remained, additional experiments are to be added; some examples: curious substance changing weak acetic acid into very strong acid, examining chemical properties of acetone etc.)
Participants: High school students.
7. Sponsors None

8. Contact detail

Name:Muraoka Motomu
Organization or affiliations:Josai Univ.
Phone :+81-049-271-7960