1. Title Countdown Symposium IYC 2011 Japan
2. IYC interests @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Countdown Symposium IYC 2011 Japan will be held at Koshiba-hall (University of Tokyo) on Dec.1 in 2010.
4. Audience professional chemists, students, educators,industrial chemists, general public, decision makers, professors, tertiary education
5. Topic conferences
6. Long description Countdown Symposium IYC 2011 Japan will be held at Koshiba-hall (University of Tokyo) on Dec.1 in 2010 organized and sponsored by hJapan Union of Chemical Science and Technologyh and gthe Japan Committee on the International Year of Chemistryh
The objective of symposium is to advertize that the International Year of Chemistry is going to start. The main theme is Chemistry for the Next 100 years.
7. Sponsors gJapan Union of Chemical Science and Technologyh and gthe Japan Committee on the International Year of Chemistry

8. Contact detail

Name:Keiji Uchino
Organization or affiliations:Japan Union of Chemical Science and Technology
Phone :+81-3-3292-6010