1. Title Natsuyasumi Kodomo Science 2011
2. IYC interests › ‡@Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
œ ‡AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
› ‡BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
› ‡CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description gNatsuyasumi Kodomo Science 2011h is a scientific seminar for elementary school students and their parent, to promote their interest in science.
4. Audience Elementary school students and their parent
5. Topic Seminar
6. Long description Title: Natsuyasumi Kodomo Science 2011
Schedule: 07/08/2011
Venue: Oita, Place: Oita University Dannoharu Campus
gNatsuyasumi Kodomo Science 2011h is a scientific seminar for elementary school students and their parent in Oita City, Japan, to promote their interest in science.
7. Sponsors Oita Science & Chemical Education Committee, The Chemical Society of Japan, Oita University, Oita Education Committee, Femail Academics at Bundai, Oita Water Forum, The Society of Chemical Engineers at East Kyushyu, Kyushu Petroeum Institute,

8. Contact detail

Name:DR. Taro Kinumoto
Organization or affiliations:Oita University
Phone :+81-97-554-7905